Snack's 1967
Homehas two side positionAbout

 The press has CorrLinks  two side position, namely: first it is a medium of communication that is the oldest in the world, and second, the press as a public institution or a social institution is an integral part of society, and not a foreign element and separated therefrom. And as a public institution it affects and is affected by other public institutions

Press as a Medium of Communication

Judging from the framework of the communication process, the press is nothing but a medium (intermediate) or channel (channel) for the statements by penyampainya addressed to the recipient that the audience. In the process of communication through the media, there are 5 elements or components involved, namely (1) the transmitter, (2) the message, (3) channel, (4) the recipient, (5) the effect. Releases only as a channel for public statements. Which acts as a transmitter instead of ordinary individuals as those in face-to-face communication, but individuals who work in newspapers, magazines, radio studios, television, and so on. In the submission of the statement he did not act as an ordinary individual, but as part of or representing the mass media. So he did not show or putting his name, as is usual in the mass media. He is an anonymous person.

Wilbur Schramm called it institutionalized person. Although it must be recognized that not all individuals working anonymously, because there are also people who work at the newspaper openly, for example, a columnist. He is a person who periodically with mention or write his name in the administration of a particular section. A columnist can also be classified as an opinion leader or forming public opinion. Because his name is already a guarantee for the quality of his writing, and the writing was used as a guide for his readers are loyal. Even the influence of a columnist sometimes until such magnitude, that as an individual he is able to influence the political wisdom of the government.